Some of the firm’s more recent results…
Harassment Restraining Order VACATED in Carver County
The firm negotiated the dismissal of harassment restraining order proceedings against their client, a registered nurse, who faced serious employment hardships if a harassment restraining order were to have issued against her.
Felony Assault Conviction VACATED on appeal
Client retained the firm to appeal a jury’s verdict finding him guilty of felony assault for allegedly attacking his sister with a baseball bat. After briefing whether the evidence introduced at trial was sufficient to sustain the client’s assault conviction, the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office conceded the appeal, and agreed to stipulate to vacate the client’s conviction.
Felony Domestic Assault Charges DISMISSED
Charles Clas’s client was charged with felony domestic assault stemming from an incident in the Minneapolis metro area (Hennepin County). He secured dismissal of all charges on the eve of trial.
License Revocation RESCINDED
Client was charged with DWI in Hennepin County and also lost her license as a result of the charges against her. Despite the difficult case, Wilson successfully argued that her license revocation was improper. The judge rescinded the license revocation and client’s license was reinstated.
CHARGES DECLINED against client accused of criminal sexual conduct
Wilson’s client was accused of committing criminal sexual conduct. Due to a clear and proactive approach to his defense, Wilson was able to avoid charges from ever being filed against his client.
Harassment Restraining Orders
Wilson’s two clients petitioned for harassment restraining orders, which were successfully imposed for 2 years each.
Anoka County Disorderly Conduct Charge DISMISSED
The firm’s client was charged with being involved in a brawl with at least three other individuals. The prosecutor agreed that the firm’s client acted in self-defense and dismissed the charges prior to the first court appearance.
Second-Degree DWI
Wilson’s client was charged with second-degree DWI in Anoka County, Minnesota, from a DWI arrest in the city of Anoka. She served only 30 days of house arrest with work release, and probation, despite the statutory mandatory minimum of 90 days in jail. She had collided with two occupied vehicles after having taken a significant amount of sleeping pills, and she had tested positive for amphetamines. Client’s car was returned despite a forfeiture action against it.
Wilson’s client was convicted of a DWI in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Wilson petitioned the court to expunge his record, as the conviction posed a hardship to Wilson’s client maintaining and progressing in his profession. Over the objection of numerous state agencies, the Judge agreed that expungement was appropriate and granted expungement of Wilson’s client’s conviction.
Attorney Charles Clas, Jr., obtained a verdict of NOT GUILTY following his client’s murder trial in St. Cloud, Minnesota (Stearns County). The client was initially charged with four counts of murder, two of which were dismissed prior to trial on Clas’s motion. The jury returned NOT GUILTY verdicts on the two remaining counts—first-degree premeditated murder and second-degree intentional murder—after approximately four hours of deliberation. Clas’s client was released from jail approximately one hour later.
Court of Appeals REVERSES district court expungement order
The Hennepin County District Court denied Wilson’s client’s request for a judicial expungement. Wilson appealed the decision to the Minnesota Court of Appeals and the Court agreed with Wilson that the district court committed reversible error. The appeals court reversed the district court and remanded the case for further consideration—a huge win for the client.
Felony Theft Charges DISMISSED
Wilson’s client was charged in Anoka County with felony theft involving both mail theft, identity theft, and fraud. Wilson obtained evidence to support a strong alibi defense and presented the evidence to the State. The prosecutor conceded that they could not prove guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at trial and dismissed the charges outright.
Domestic Assault Charges DISMISSED
Wilson’s client was charged with domestic assault charges in Scott County, Minnesota (Shakopee). He was alleged to have pushed his wife during an argument. Wilson successfully argued to avoid imposition of a no-contact order between his client and his client’s wife, which meant that the client could return home immediately after court, and all charges against Wilson’s client were DISMISSED.
Order for Protection DISMISSED
Wilson’s client was charged with domestic assault in Hennepin County and, additionally, the client’s husband obtained an order for protection against her. Wilson worked out a deal where all charges against her client—as well as the order for protection—were DISMISSED.
Theft Charges Dismissed
Wilson’s client was charged with gross misdemeanor theft in Dakota County. After challenging probable cause—asserting that the State had no valid evidence to establish a conviction—the judge agreed with Wilson and dismissed the charges outright.
Wright County Domestic Assault Charges DISMISSED on the eve of trial
The Wright County Attorney’s Office agreed they lacked the evidence necessary to convict Wilson’s client of domestic assault and dismissed the charges against his client in their entirety on the eve of a jury trial.
Felony solicitation of a minor child conviction EXPUNGED judicially
Wilson & Clas’s client’s conviction for soliciting a minor to engage in a sexual act was judicially expunged pursuant to the court’s inherent authority. This partial expungement order will serve to help their client continue putting his life back on track.
Gross Misdemeanor Charges EXPUNGED
Client charged with gross misdemeanor furnishing alcohol to a minor hired Wilson Criminal Defense to seek an expungement due to the hardship that his criminal record caused in terms of his employment. Wilson successfully petitioned the court to expunge the criminal record, sealing that record, and the Court issued an order to that effect on Christmas Eve.
Domestic Assault Charges DISMISSED
Wilson’s client allegedly assaulted her boyfriend during an argument. A conviction for the charged offenses would’ve cost his client her job and harmed her ability to maintain custody of her child. Wilson convinced the prosecutor at the first court appearance to dismiss all charges against her and, instead, to pursue charges against her boyfriend.
Damage to Property Charges DISMISSED
Wilson’s client was wrongly accused of damaging over $1,000.00 of another person’s property. After significant litigation, the Court dismissed the charges outright, agreeing with Wilson that they were improper.
DWI Dismissed
Wilson’s client was charged with fourth-degree DWI in Ramsey County, Minnesota out of the city of St. Paul. Client’s case was dismissed outright by the St. Paul City Attorney’s Office due to an evidentiary issue Wilson raised at his client’s second court hearing.
Early Discharge From Probation
Client was convicted of DWI in Dakota County, Minnesota, and was sentenced to serve six years of probation. Client hired Wilson to request that the Court discharge him from probation early, as probation was interfering with his professional life. The judge agreed with Wilson’s arguments and discharged client 3 years ahead of schedule.